Motion Graphics & Compositing — Project 3

21.06.2024 — 04.07.2024
Rachel Madeline / 0356994
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 3 — Channel Ident



For this task we are to continue from the previous project which is project 2 channel bumper. Proceeding with the plan as suggested from Mr Fauzi to reveal the characters on the Channel Ident, I did some more research on the characters as well as proceeded with the storyboard in the slides below.

Fig 1.1 Compiled slides for Channel ident

I drew and cropped the assets on Procreate and for the text for the character's names I did it on Illustrator to skew the perspective of the text then imported them onto After Effects. 

Fig 1.2 Storyboard for Channel Ident

I mainly used a bunch of position and scale keyframes to show the close ups of the silhouette then for the silhouettes coming in the screen I simply duplicated the layers and changed its position.

Fig 1.3 Progress for revealing Poppy's Character

For the Poppy text, I made it in Illustrator first then skewed its perspective then used scale and position keyframes to reveal it behind Poppy. 

For the elements surrounding the character, I used scale keyframes and used position "wiggle" effect.

Fig 1.4 Progress for Poppy's Character

I repeated the same process for Frankie's as well as Gigi's.

Fig 1.5 Progress for Gigi's character

Fig 1.6 Progress for Frankie's character

For the stage, I made the spotlights for each of the characters on Illustrator than imported them on After Effects and adjusted the blending mode to Multiply and adjusted the opacity. I also used position keyframes and timed it according to the silhouette entering the stage. I also added the wiggle effect so it doesnt look static and more dynamic when its on screen.

I also made this scene to implement the idea of the figurine series being featured as a band of 3 members.

Fig 1.7 Progress for stage animation

To reveal the figurines and how it looks like in real life, I added the real figurines and for the transition I put the silhouette layered on top of the real figurines and timed them to reveal the real figurines. 

Fig 1.8 Progress for stage animation

Fig 1.9 Final Channel Ident Animation


  • Think of how to reveal and present the 3 characters separately to give a glimpse of their respective characters and elements as well as the 3 of them together.


Starting from the channel bumper to channel ident, I thoroughly enjoyed the process and this was genuinely one of my favourite projects to do out of all the other projects throughout the semester. Having the opportunity to try out a different style of how I would usually do edits on After Effects and animation was pretty exciting. 


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