Advanced Animation — Final Project

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Rachel Madeline / 0356994
Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Project — Action Animation 



For this last project, we are tasked to animate an action and also set the character up in a background and animate the camera movements as well.

First off, I started researching for an action in this youtube channel that was recommended by Mr Kamal and decided to go for the one with the Katana as a weapon and had an idea to make it like a Star Wars scene with a light saber as the weapon.

Fig 1.1 Reference Video 

I took the light saber from a website to download free blender assets.

Fig 1.2 Process of animating

Fig 1.3 Process of animating

Fig 1.4 Process of animating

This part where the character was in the air was a pretty tedious process especially since the character's body was turning along with his limbs so each of them had to be moved whenever another keyframe had to be made. 

Fig 1.5 Process of animating

Once I was done with the whole animation for the physical action, I made a storyboard to choreograph the camera movements and I wanted it to focus on the movement of the light saber. 

Fig 1.6 Draft storyboard for the camera movement

I focused on the extreme poses for the camera movements. 

Fig 1.7 keyframes for camera movement

Fig 1.8 Final Compilation for Physical Action Sequence


The process of animating the character was pretty confusing cuz I wasn't sure on how to execute it and was confused with the rigs but I managed to figure it out with a couple of tries. Although I did have trouble rendering it since the whole model turned pink in the middle of rendering


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